EDF Renewables目前拥有运营或开发中的5.3GW海上风电容量,包括英国的41.5MW Blyth项目
目前正在建造Dongtain IV项目;东台五期工程计划于2019年开工建设。在签订最终合同后,双方合作伙伴将建设并运营500兆瓦的总装机容量,并将于2021年逐步投入使用。
随着3.8 GW的海上风电装机运营,中国是一个充满希望的市场,应该继续快速增长,到2030年占全球机队的近一半,运营50GW。
通过其子公司EDF Renouvelables,EDF集团是世界海上风电市场上的知名企业,拥有500多名专门从事该领域的人员,在所有关键领域拥有扎实的技能,包括项目的开发,交付和运营。
EDF acquires stake in Chinese offshore projects
EDF has entered the Chinese offshore wind market by acquiring a stake in two projects with a combined capacity of 500MW.
EDF Renewables now has stakes in 5.3GW of offshore wind capacity in operation or under development, including the 41.5MW Blyth project in the UK
It will partner with Chinese power utility China Energy Investment Corporation (CEI) to deliver the Dongtai IV and V wind farms off the coast of Jiangsu province, north of Shanghai.
Dongtai IV is currently under construction, while work on the Dongtai V is scheduled to start this year.
The projects will be commissioned in phases by 2021, EDF stated.
EDF has not disclosed the size of its stake in the two wind farms or confirmed the capacity of either project.
Its clean energy arm, EDF Renewables, now has shares in 5.3GW of offshore wind capacity in operation or under development, and is operating and maintaining 500MW of this capacity.
It also operates more than 310MW of onshore wind and solar capacity in China.
China has 3.5GW of installed offshore wind capacity, according to Windpower Intelligence, the research and data division of Windpower Monthly.