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丹麦DONG能源公司更名为Ørsted 重点发展海上风能

日期:2017-10-10    来源:DONG能源公司官网




关键词: 绿色能源 清洁能源 能源企业

  10月2日,丹麦着名能源集团DONG能源公司发布更名公告。待能源公司股东10月30日批准,DONG能源公司将更为名“?rsted”,以此纪念丹麦物理学家Hans Christian.?rsted(汉斯·克里斯蒂安·奥斯特,1777-1851)。
  “DONG”已经成为斯堪的纳维亚重量级清洁能源公司的具有误导性的名字了。现在,丹麦DONG能源公司的这一名称会像午夜的钟声一样,褪去,然后消失。DONG原是丹麦石油天然气公司Danish Oil and Natural Gas的简称。但随着该公司从化石能源到清洁能源的全面改革,这个公司名称显然与它改革的本质产生了冲突。
  与此同时,今年起,在德国和英国,海上风电成本已经开始与化石燃料成本相抗衡。首席执行官Henrik Poulsen表示,“从没有像现在这样清楚地意识到,我们可以创造一个完全依赖绿色能源的世界。现在是改变我们的名字以表明我们想帮助创造这样一个世界的时候了。”
  北美地区总裁Peter Brostr?m在接受采访时表示:“为了实现无偿转型的快速发展,在过去几年中,董事局追求全球扩张,将其开拓海外经验带入新市场,主要是海上风电市场。”
  Following our profound strategic transformation from black to green energy and the recent divestment of the upstream oil and gas production, the name DONG Energy does not fit our company anymore.
  Consequently, we have today called an Extraordinary General Meeting on 30 October 2017 to ask our shareholders to approve a change of our company name to ?rsted.
  Thomas Thune Andersen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, says:
  “DONG was originally short for Danish Oil and Natural Gas. With our profound strategic transformation and the divestment of our upstream oil and gas business, this is no longer who we are. Therefore, now is the right time to change our name.”
  Thomas Thune Andersen continues:
  “Our vision is a world that runs entirely on green energy. Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing the world today, and to avoid causing serious harm to the global ecosystems, we need to fundamentally change the way we power the world by switching from black to green energy,” Thomas Thune Andersen concludes.
  Henrik Poulsen, our CEO, says:
  “2017 will be remembered as the year when offshore wind became cheaper than black energy, as demonstrated by the recent tenders for offshore wind in Germany and the UK. It has never been more clear that it is possible to create a world that runs entirely on green energy. The time is now right for us to change our name to demonstrate that we want to help create such a world.”
  From green transformation to green growth
  Over the past decade, we have transformed from an energy company based on coal and oil to a global leader in renewable energy. The company has increased earnings considerably, while reducing the use of coal in its power stations and building out new offshore wind farms. Since 2006, carbon emissions have been reduced by 52%, and by 2023, they will have been reduced by 96% compared to 2006.
  Henrik Poulsen, says:
  “Today, we’re dedicated to green energy. Our focus going forward will be on green growth based on our existing business platforms in offshore wind, biomass, green customer solutions and advanced waste-to-energy solutions. We’ll also explore new green growth opportunities to strengthening our existing platform, if they support our vision, provide a strong competitive position and create value for our shareholders.”
  We have divested our upstream oil and gas business and decided to stop all use of coal. In addition, we have established a new storage team to explore new business opportunities in energy storage. We have also set up a new corporate venture unit in Silicon Valley, California, to explore emerging energy technologies and potential long-term business opportunities.
  As battery storage and new energy technologies mature and as a more flexible demand side is developed, natural gas will, in the coming years, continue to support the transition to an entirely green energy system. We will continue to trade in and sell natural gas to our customers, facilitating the bridge to a world that runs entirely on green energy.
  The new name and brand
  The new name – ?rsted – references the innovative Danish scientist Hans Christian ?rsted (1777-1851)。 ?rsted spearheaded several scientific discoveries, including the discovery of electromagnetism in 1820, which helped lay the scientific foundation for how today’s societies are powered.
  As part of becoming ?rsted, a new logo and brand identity will be introduced. The new brand identity is inspired by the Danish design tradition in being simple, functional and human and supporting a sustainable way of life. The brand identity will consist of a full spectrum of colours, inspired by Scandinavian nature and the Danish 20th century artist Vilhelm Lundstr?m.
  Henrik Poulsen says:
  “We’ve undertaken significant efforts to find the right name and brand identity for our company. Our new name recognises H.C. ?rsted’s curiosity, dedication and interest in nature and our brand identity speaks to the innovation and profound understanding of nature, which is vital to creating a world that runs entirely on green energy.”
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